Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Still In The Race

It seems like we keep asking for prayers or thanking you for praying! The doctor gave us a good analogy, though; this is not a sprint-it's a marathon! So continued prayers are necessary for Gary's continued recovery and healing.

Gary went on Monday for chemotherapy but was not able to take it. The nurses found the cause for Gary's lack of energy and apetite. They discovered that Gary's body is not creating enough oxygen. His oxygenation level was not high enough to sustain his daily activities. This is what caused him to sleep so much and not eat. So Gary is now on oxygen for the time being to boost his oxygen levels.

This can be a side effect of the chemo, and it was exacerbated because he only has one lung. So some decisions will need to be made as to whether continuing chemotherapy is a good idea. Please pray for wisdom and strength for Gary and Hope during this time. They see the doctor within the week to discuss options for treatment.

One good thing has come about due to this side effect: Gary had another CT scan. And as far as we can tell, there is NO cancer in his body! We praise God He has kept the disease at bay; we pray God chooses to keep cancer from ever entering his body again.

We know God still plans for Gary to continue his "Kingdom work". Gary fully relies on passages like Acts 20:24:

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.

Gary and his family don't feel his task is complete! He has asked God, as Hezekiah did, for more years. So pray God brings about perfect healing so he may finish the race set before him and he can say after the years God has granted:

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Gary!

Today Gary turns 61 years old! We praise God He has chosen to give him another year. We did hope Gary would feel great, wanting to celebrate this wonderful occasion. But it doesn't seem that will happen.

Please send out prayers for Gary today and daily. He is in desperate need of strength and rejuvenation. Each day this week Gary has become progressively more tired, not being able to work or even eat much. He is also suffering from shortness of breath and coughing, due to his chemotherapy. He wants to feel better so badly, and it just doesn't seem to be happening. Please pray for God's immediate healing touch; Gary just wants to do his Kingdom work!

Thank you Lord for this celebration of Gary's life-please give him extraordinary strength and energy to live for You like he has never done before.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

God Is Healing

We apologize for the lack of posts recently. Due to the stress of every day life, we have not been able to maintain regular posts.

Since the last post, nothing has really changed. Gary just finished his first "round" of chemotherapy-chemo once a week for two weeks and then a week off. The oncologist insisted on platelet shots on his week off because the drugs he is on typically lowers the platelet and white cell count drastically. But God has been faithful to answer yes to your prayers; Gary has done relatively well with the treatment thus far. His only consistent side effects are a low grade fever and fatigue. The doctor told us both are very normal.

Please continue in your prayers for Gary. His oldest daughter likes to describe the prayers we ask for as "knee dirtying prayer". We KNOW God has great plans for Gary in the future; Gary just wants to feel good enough and have sufficient energy to fulfill those plans. He is frustrated with his lack of energy, but He knows God is working it out. We have to simply wait and watch.

One thing we want you to celebrate with Gary is his upcoming 61st birthday! This particular birthday on July 21st is one we are so excited about! We praise God He has given us another year with one of His children on this earth. Please send cards and well wishes! If you do not have Gary's home address, please send cards to FAITH Radio. He will be so happy to hear from all of you!

God is good, and we are grateful for each day together. May God bless you and yours richly today.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Plugging Away

It has been a week since Gary had his first round of preventative chemotherapy. So far, he has done very well! We praise God He heard our prayers for minimal side effects with the new drugs.

He goes in again on Monday for another type of chemotherapy; he rotates two drugs every three weeks. We pray the side effects will not grow as he receives more and more of the drugs. Please pray for that with us.

This week Gary has been able to return to work for at least half days every day. He is so glad to return to work and become productive again. You will hear him every Tuesday morning on FAITH Radio talking with Andrew Leuthold. Please tune in and listen.

As we have already posted so many times, we are truly thankful for your continued support and love for Gary and for his family. We hope you will continue to leave comments on this blog as well as call and visit with Gary. We love you all so much! As Paul writes to the Philippians:

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

May God continue to bless you daily, for each day is a gift in and of itself.