Happy Father's Day! For Gary's children and grandchildren we are especially grateful to have another Father's day to share with our earthly father and grandfather.
We can most certainly tell that Gary is improving-he is READY to get out of the house and get moving again! He looks better every day; his appetite is good as well as his stamina returning.
Gary desperately wants to be in contact with all of you again. However (you knew there would be a "but"), his contact still needs to be somewhat limited.
This is what we propose:
Gary has seen your comments, has heard your messages, and has read each of your cards. He is truly touched at the outpouring of love and prayer you have given him. Please continue to pray for healing and health.
May God bless you richly each day, for every day is a gift.
We can most certainly tell that Gary is improving-he is READY to get out of the house and get moving again! He looks better every day; his appetite is good as well as his stamina returning.
Gary desperately wants to be in contact with all of you again. However (you knew there would be a "but"), his contact still needs to be somewhat limited.
This is what we propose:
1. Feel free to call and chat! We only ask that you try to limit your phone
calls to about 5 minutes.
2. Feel free to come by and visit! In this
case we ask that you first call before stopping by. Please be mindful that long
visits can take a toll on Gary's recovery.
Gary has seen your comments, has heard your messages, and has read each of your cards. He is truly touched at the outpouring of love and prayer you have given him. Please continue to pray for healing and health.
May God bless you richly each day, for every day is a gift.
Dear Mr. Hundley,
We are so grateful each time we read how well you are progressing. You are still in our prayers at Davis Printing !!
Beth Nelson
I remember you from when I was a little girl like it was yesterday. Healing thoughts, prayers, and love to your whole family.
Gary and family: I was looking through one of my Bibles this morning, I don't use this one daily and found a message you preached April 14, 2004. It was about Finding Wholenss in a Broken World. It was about carring burdens...you sighted Paul and his burden. You told us that he called it a thorn. The Roman world called it an instrument of torture. The discussion was the purpose of thorns: 1) they prevent pride, 2) the produce power and 3) they pefrect patience. It goes on to discuss God's provision for for thorns and his powerful grace being sufficient, substitionary and strengthening...the very last point was to wait for God.
I know this "thorn" has been tough on you and your family but God's strength has certainly been evident in you all...
The Lancaster LCBF sends you greetings, love and hope....
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Gary, know that you have been, are, and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
From the time we started listening to FAITH Radio, we have appreciated your "voice of reason" and inspiring comments; which reveal your tremendous depth of faith, especially received from your earthly father's example.
Know that your Heavenly Father holds you in His Hands, and He knows that your family needs you and that FAITH Radio needs you. We have rejoiced with you in thought when there were triumphs of healing and anguished with you during setbacks.
Remember the words in the song "In Brokenness You Shine", sung by Steve Green-"Help me believe, and trust you one more time-in brokenness You shine."
May you and your family feel the comfort of His "Light".
JoAnn & John Johnson
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