Gary is so excited to be out and about finally! He wants you all to know that he looks forward to seeing you; God is providing him strength to finally do what he has been wanting to do for weeks now. Please continue to call, send cards, and visit Gary! We all know his energy comes from you! And we praise God you have been faithful friends to pray for him and check on him.
On a sadder note, please pray for the Aldridge family, the pastor's family at Thorington Baptist Church. Gary, the pastor there, was found dead in his home yesterday morning. Gary and Gary were good friends who spent much time with each other. The family, as well as the church, are in a true state of mourning over this loss and the brutality of it.

Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in all that happens in your own life. But praying for those around you can help to ease your pain as well as make a dramatic difference in the lives of those you are praying for. As we have gone through these past three weeks with Gary's illness, we have "forgotten" others are hurting as much as or more than we are. But when we look outside ourselves, we still see ways to help others, even in the midst of our own pain. As Paul teaches in Philippians 2, he says:
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.The perfect avenue for this is in prayer, for you can do no greater good for others than in front of the throne of our Father. And then God brings about healing, for the one being prayed for and for the one praying. God is so good to create us in that way! And we know firsthand the power of prayer. And we praise God for it.
Thank you Jesus for prayer. There is no greater healing for the soul or the body than this.
May God be glorified in everything.
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