Thursday, October 11, 2007

Day by Day

Every day seems to be different. We cry over defeats, no matter how small. And we celebrate over victories, no matter how small. These past two days we have celebrated over several small victories.

Gary's doctor appointment on Wednesday was a small victory, for we received NO bad news! He is anemic, but he is now taking shots to help boost his red cell count. His chest X-ray was clear, his blood oxygen level was 100%, and the doctor is not overly concerned about the spot on his hip that is causing him pain. He believes it to simply be a bedsore from Gary's sedentary life style. But Dr. Davidson has scheduled a CT scan and a bone scan in two weeks, just to check.

Another small victory was last night and today-Gary slept well and he woke up feeling better than he has felt in a week. His nausea is gone, and he was actually hungry for the first time in days! He is still feeling tired, but that is from the anemia.

And the last small victory we celebrate is that Gary only has TWO more treatments of chemotherapy! And prayerfully we will be done for good! We thought the chemotherapy would continue until Christmas, so we were thrilled to hear he only had two more.

God continues to be good, in the victories as well as the defeats. But it sure is easier to praise and thank Him for the good! We are grateful to Him that He has given us some good things these past few days, no matter how trivial they appear to be. We know God is still in His will and plan for Gary, and we continue to hold on to that.

May He forever and ever be glorified for the victories and the defeats-for in both we can see His all powerful hand. Blessed be His Name always.

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