Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It Is What It Is

It seems like every time I tell you things are getting better.....

I hope none of you mind, but I think I may not be posting as much in the near future. Dad's condition is NEVER the same each day, and sometimes it changes several times each day! So I would have to update daily to let you know exactly how he is feeling.

We thought he had turned the corner after his last hospital stay, but that is not the case. He woke up yesterday hurting a little in his legs, but he thought it was just the change from his "movement-less" life to exercising several times a day. But when he woke up today, the pain was worse, and he says it is a "different pain". He knows his body well, so we don't doubt his word.

Pain is usually the first symptom of cancer for my dad, so we could be facing another journey. He is scheduled to have a CT and bone scan tomorrow (maybe not both on the same day, but there is at least one scheduled), but he may not be able to endure it with this leg pain.

We don't know anything, and we have learned not to jump to conclusions. But I think I am correct when I say if the cancer has already returned, Mom and Dad may make some different decisions this time. Pray for wisdom on their part and pray that God is CLEAR as to what they are to do.

I have no more encouraging words for myself or for you in this post. As my father says "It is what it is". It is not that I have given up; we are all clinging to the promises our Father has given us. We KNOW God is in charge, and He is holding my father close through all of this. But maybe I am a bit wiser or just a bit less emotional-I am reserving my feelings for when we know something more.

I also have no requests to make, other than to just remember Gary and Hope in your prayers. They feel peace when you pray, and that is all we can hope for now. That is eternal, and praise God for it.


Anonymous said...


You are in my prayers. I know that God has you in his hands. I pray for your comfort and peace.

Heidi Gillespie
Your sister in Christ from VFBC

Anonymous said...

Gary and Family,
I fail not to mention you all in my prayers. I cannot relate to your daily ups and downs, but I do know his Grace is sufficient. This month is pastor appreciation. I think of Gary as my Radio Pastor. I miss his Tuesday comments and his intermediate plugs throughout the week. I pray today the Lord honors you with his continued Grace and Mercy!
Love in Christ,
Scott O

Anonymous said...


Plase know that you are in Nancy and my thoughts and prayers. Our hearts hurt with yours, but we are sustained knowing that He is faithful and his grace is always sufficient.

Larry Wit