Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Doctor Brings Good News and Bad News

Gary and Hope returned home this afternoon with mixed emotions. It becomes harder and harder to "believe" everything you hear.

Gary's oncologist tells us that the radiation is working "very well" and killing the cancer in the spine and shoulder, according to his most recent X-rays. But he did say the extreme fatigue and increased pain will remain a little while longer. He is estimating substantial relief from pain next week.

It is difficult to believe that the pain will decrease when, after a week of radiation, the pain has actually increased in the past three days. It most certainly can be due to the medication he is on along with the chemo and radiation. We just feel (especially Gary) that what is supposed to "heal" is actually causing all this!

Unfortunately this is the "nature of the beast"; cancer's most potent medications can damage the most as well. But we know that cancer is not in control here; Gary has relied on the guidance and strength of his Savior for over 45 years, and He will continue to do so. We firmly believe God has a reason for this, that is just not a random thing that has happened to Gary and our family. God has used and will continue to use Gary for His Kingdom work, even as Gary fights for his life. God must have more work for him on this side of heaven!

We ask for continued prayers, and we praise God for each and every one of you who has knelt before the throne daily for Gary as well as his family. We, as his family and especially his wife, are becoming more and more tired. Sometimes it is difficult to watch Gary hurt so much, knowing we can do nothing to help ease his pain. Pray we rely on our Father to comfort and heal our spirits as we help Gary fight.

We love you all. Praise God for another gift of TODAY.

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