Monday, September 3, 2007

Triumph, Even Through Doubt

We are overjoyed to tell you that there is NO new (or old, for that matter) cancer in Gary's body! We praise Him that he made that spot disappear! His doctors consulted specialists, and they determined that there is nothing unusual about what the MRI revealed. So God is to be praised; He made this happen!

We are relieved that we don't have to fight cancer again; however, Gary is suffering miserably from a very sore back and shoulder. He is now unable to walk very far without being in considerable pain. We believe, like the shoulder, that the muscles in his back have tightened severely due to lack of movement during his recovery time. He is going to a physical therapist on Tuesday to determine what can be done to alleviate his pain so he can move forward. Please pray this can be remedied quickly. Gary wants to be healthy so that he can withstand his next round of chemo on the 13th.

We also ask that you pray the family of one of Gary's dear friends: Keith Kilgore. He was an elder at a local church and a cancer survivor like Gary. They spent considerable time together taking chemotherapy, praying for each other, supporting each other, and loving each other. They made each other stronger the fight. On Saturday evening, Keith passed away from a blod clot that traveled to his brain. He was a young man, determined to not let cancer beat him. We can only take comfort that Keith is with our Creator and Savior, praising Him at the throne. What a glorious beginning to eternity! But we are sad that we cannot see him on this side of heaven again. Pray for peace for his family during this time. We know Keith is where he belongs.

As always we praise Him for you and your willingness to pray for Gary and his family. May you realize the blessings He has promised to you:

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

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